Make a payment
Back to HomeThe following information is provided for existing clients who wish to make a payment on their account. If you are a family member or friend who is paying on behalf of the client, please be sure and contact me after you send the payment with the name of the client to ensure that the payment is credited to the proper retainer account. Thanks!
Jump to: Financing Options - Pay by Check - Pay with a credit/debit card via Paypal - Pay by Cash App
If you are unable to pay your full retainer up front, you have a few options:
- Financing through Paypal - Use the applicable link below (for your retainer amount) for financing through paypal. Depending on your credit score, you may be offered options for interest-free financing if paid off within a certain period of time, or you may be offered other possibilties. I have no control over whether you are approved or not, but from what I can tell many with even marginal credit scores may be approved.
Retainer of $500
Retainer of $1000
Retainer of $2000
- Payments made directly to me - If you are not approved for financing through paypal, I can instead set up your retainer to be made through smaller payments. Please contact me to make these arrangements. In extreme cases of need, I sometimes can seek funding from non-profit organizations that assist servicemembers as well, so please be in touch.
Paying by check or money order
USD payments via check or money order should be sent to: James M. Branum, PO Box 134, Piedmont, OK 73078, USA.
Pay with a credit/debit card via paypal

Payments can be sent to me via this link: a payment of any amount by clicking here
Paying via the Cash App
Payments can be sent to me via this link:$jmbranum