Legal Education

I teach a wide variety of legal education seminars and workshops for attorneys, law students, paralegals and members of the public.

CLE Trainings for Attorneys

Attorney James M. Branum - Military Law CLEI can provide CLE (continuing legal education) training for your local bar association or advocacy group. These trainings can be adapted to your local needs but most often serve as an introduction to military law for civilian attorneys who want to assist military servicemembers in their area. My past presentations have been approved for credit by the state bars of Oklahoma, Texas, California, Washington, Alaska and New Mexico, and have included both in-person and virtual presentations.

If you are interested in me doing a training in your area, please contact me. And to see a list of my past CLE trainings please click here.

GI Rights Counselor Trainings

Attorney James M. Branum speaking in Oklahoma CityThese trainings normally run over a weekend and normally are either (1) an introductory training for new GI Rights paralegal counselors or (2) an advanced training for experienced GI RIghts counselors.

I can do these trainings on my own or with other trainers from either the GI Rights Network or the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild.

If you are interested in me doing a training in your area, please contact me. And to see a list of my past GI Rights Counselor Trainings please click here.

Public Speaking Events

James M. Branum speaking on military law and conscientious objection in Oklahoma City

I speak before a wide variety of audiences on military law and other topics. These kinds of presentations include:

If you are interested in me doing a training in your area, please contact me.

Coming soon: a list of my past public speaking events.